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For as long as I can remember, Friday was a time to unwind after a long week of work or school. When I was younger, there wasn't much to do so I spent much of my time in the house watching the "Friday Night Lineup" from 8-10pm with episodes of "Family Matters" and "Step-by-Step". When I look back on it, as fun as it was, there were a lot better way I could have spent my Fridays, but those activities just weren't available.

The FOCUS Youth Network is here to solve that problem! On the first Friday of every month, we host "a party for kids who just want to be kids" called #FOCUSFRIDAY. This party is not only meant to be a safe space for kids, but a chance for families to strengthen relationships as well. They say, "it takes a village to raise a child, so consider FOCUS Youth Network your "village", and you are part of OUR family. Check out a couple shots from last week's #FOCUSFriday!

Our next FOCUS Friday will take place on Friday, October 7th with our #FOCUSFriday FallFest! We hope to see you there because "Finding Ourselves Creates Unlimited Success".

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